MORE Youth
Valued. Anchored. Alive.
In Christ
Calling all 7th through 12th Graders! We invite you to join us on the first and third Sundays of the month (some exceptions) from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm in the Gathering Room to connect with your friends and Jesus. We meet September – May.
Leader: Pastor Chris Conkling (
Trinity’s Confirmation Ministry exists to formally train and equip individuals in the essential truths of God’s Word as explained through Luther’s Small Catechism and the doctrines of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Trinity offers two paths toward confirmation, one for young people in grades 5-9 (conventional confirmation), and one for adults beyond ninth grade who have not had the opportunity to be instructed at an earlier age (adult instruction.) While our adult instruction has as its focus the goal of culminating in being confirmed in the Lutheran faith, this instruction is open to anyone who may simply be interested in learning more about the basic teachings of Christianity and the theology of the Lutheran doctrines derived from the Scriptures.
Each path to the Rite of Confirmation is explained below.
If you are interested in confirmation for adults, which is the required instruction to become a communicant member of Trinity, please see our Adult Confirmation Instruction page.
5th Grade Welcome
6th-8th Grade Welcome
9th Grade Welcome