A Celebration of Life
Marilyn Radtke
September 23, 1936 - January 3, 2025
Friday, January 17th, 2025
6:00 pm | Celebration of Life
Visitation starting at 4:00 pm
at Trinity following the service
Burial will take place Saturday, January 18th at 10:00 am at Trinity’s church cemetery.
Flowers, preferably from your local florist or garden center, may be sent to Trinity Lutheran Freistadt. You may also consider donations to Trinity, Alzheimer’s research, or a charity of your choosing. Take a moment to remember Marilyn when you have a chance to get into your garden this spring or find a way to give to others in your community.
Trinity Memorial Gift Guidelines
Memorial gifts are a blessing to our congregation and all of the ministries, missions and programs we support with our time, treasures and talents. We strive to be good stewards of the gifts we receive, and with each gift, we are reminded to be thankful to God for His blessings. Your memorial gift to Trinity is a blessing to those we serve and will be used in a responsible way to further God’s Kingdom. With this spirit of gratitude, we extend to you an invitation to be a part of the decision-making process as we distribute these gifts.
The following is a list of the categories for you to choose from. Trinity reserves the right to distribute gifts within each of these categories to the place where it is needed most. Memorials considered “UNDESIGNATED” by the family will be used at Trinity’s discretion and used where there is the greatest need. Families whose memorials are turned into the office will have 30 days to make their decision, otherwise, the decision will be made by Trinity and placed where the greatest need at the time is.
- Church’s General Fund—Helps defray any deficits that the budget might be facing at the time.
- Trinity Lutheran School—Distributed in consultation with the Principal
- Trinity Missions—Missions include but not limited to: Karenni, Inner City, African, Barnabas Fund (Needy families), Baker Family (Missionary that Trinity supports financially)
- Trinity Forward Campaign—Expansion of Trinity Lutheran School
- Trinity Scholarship Fund—Aid families by assisting them with tuition to attend Trinity Lutheran School
- Trinity Music Programs—Church & school
- Trinity’s Early Childhood Program—Extras not covered within their budget
- Grounds & Maintenance—Projects not covered under the general budget
- Trinity Cemetery– Used for ongoing maintenance, repairs, and expansion of our cemetery.