Week of Events
Open Enrollment
Enrollment is now open for 3K through 8th Grade at Trinity Lutheran School! Secure your child’s spot in a Christ-centered learning [...]
Palm Sunday
Cross Explorations
Cross Explorations
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | [...]
Palm Sunday
Stuff They Didn’t Teach Me in Sunday School
Stuff They Didn’t Teach Me in Sunday School
Stuff They Didn’t Teach Me in Sunday School Fred Mollwitz Tuesday 7:30 am – Already in progress – Join anytime! [...]
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday We will trace the history of our celebration of the Lord's Supper back to its roots in the Passover and [...]
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday We will trace the history of our celebration of the Lord's Supper back to its roots in the Passover and [...]