Worship | School Children
Sunday, September 22 | 10:45 am | 3rd & 4th grade Sunday, October 13 | 8:00 am | Concert Choir Sunday, October [...]
Sunday, September 22 | 10:45 am | 3rd & 4th grade Sunday, October 13 | 8:00 am | Concert Choir Sunday, October [...]
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | Gathering [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Priority Enrollment is now open for Pre-K through 8th Grade! Returning school families and childcare families are encouraged to re-enroll early to [...]
Purchase homemade entrees (soups, casseroles, etc.) made by youth families to take and make at home.
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | Gathering [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Your donations of snacks and candy remind our college students that their church continues to care for them, and so does God.Please [...]
Join us for a Christ-centered basketball tournament, celebrating fellowship on the court with area teams! View Brackets HerePGJyPg==https://trinitymequon.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Tickets.jpgPGlmcmFtZSBhbGxvd2Z1bGxzY3JlZW49ImFsbG93ZnVsbHNjcmVlbiIgc2Nyb2xsaW5nPSJubyIgY2xhc3M9ImZwLWlmcmFtZSIgc3JjPSJodHRwczovL2hleXppbmUuY29tL2ZsaXAtYm9vay84ZjdhZTE3MmExLmh0bWwiIHN0eWxlPSJib3JkZXI6IDFweCBzb2xpZCBsaWdodGdyYXk7IHdpZHRoOiAxMDAlOyBoZWlnaHQ6IDQwMHB4OyI+PC9pZnJhbWU+
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | Gathering [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Warm up with a hearty chili dinner and help raise the Historical Society's Exhibition Barn! Dinner will be served in the Gym. [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | Gathering [...]
Keep the Home Fires Burning For more than a century, this simple phrase has called husbands and wives to attend to their [...]
Sunday, September 22 | 10:45 am | 3rd & 4th grade Sunday, October 13 | 8:00 am | Concert Choir Sunday, October [...]
Cross Explorations 3K-5K | Room 422 1st-3rd grade | Room 402 4th-6th grade | Room 403 7th grade – Adult | [...]
Join Pastor Carl for a biblical study based on his new book Fire and Song, the story-based study of Song of Songs. [...]