185th Anniversary

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Trinity Lutheran Church of Freistadt has been a pillar in the community for 185 years!

Please set aside time during the weekend of October 12-13 to help celebrate its founding and the 140th Anniversary of our current church building.  Pastor Jeff Schubert, who served at Trinity from 1983-1989 before moving on to the district office in Milwaukee, then the synodical office in St. Louis, will return to our pulpit that weekend.

In addition, the historical society will have a display in the Gathering Room for you to peruse while enjoying anniversary cake, coffee, and other treats on Saturday evening and Sunday morning.

The Sunday morning Bible Class will begin at 9:30 and be held in the sanctuary. It will highlight the trials the original settlers endured to obtain religious freedom and a brief history of our church.  If you wish to visit the Trinity Freistadt Historical Village after church, it will be open from 10:00 – 12:30 on Sunday as well.


October 12, 2024
October 13, 2024
Event Category:


Trinity Lutheran Freistadt
10729 West Freistadt Road
Mequon, WI 53097 United States
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