

About Us

Who We Are

Church Mission Statement

Grow in His word.

Serve in His world.

Join in His mission.


School Mission Statement

A Passion for Learning.

A Heart for Christ.

Childcare Mission Statement

Connecting children to Jesus.

Nurturing the wonder of childhood.

Our Core Beliefs


  • The Bible is God’s own Word, and that the historic Lutheran interpretation of the Bible is correct.
  • All people are separated from God by their sin, and are therefore deserving of God’s judgment.
  • Jesus Christ is God’s own Son, true man and true God.
  • Jesus suffered God’s wrath on the cross in our place, therefore earning our forgiveness.
  • We receive that precious gift of forgiveness and salvation through faith in Jesus.
  • God gives His forgiveness to those who have faith in three important ways:
    • Through God’s Word proclaiming what God has done for us.
    • Through Baptism (given to people of all ages.)
    • Through the Lord’s Supper (truly Jesus’ body and blood along with the bread and wine.)

For a more detailed explanation, visit www.lcms.org.

Our Story


In early October 1839, approximately 20 families settled near Trinity to found the colony of Freistadt. Prompted by religious persecution in their homeland of Pomerania, Germany, the group sought and found a religious haven in Wisconsin. The first log cabin was located southwest of the present church building. The congregation immediately purchased 40 acres of land and in the spring of 1840 built the first Lutheran church in the state of Wisconsin. The log building, 30 by 20 feet, was also used as a school. The first pastor of the congregation was L.F.E. Krause (1841-1847). The Lutheran Buffalo Synod was organized at Trinity in June 1845. Since 1848, the congregation has been a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

For more information, visit The Historical Society’s page.

Affiliated Denomination

Since 1848, the congregation has been a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.

Visit www.lcms.org for more about the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

The Lord’s Supper

When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we do so convinced that Jesus gives us His true body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins.  Receiving the Lord’s Supper here expresses not only fellowship with the Lord, but also agreement with the teachings of this congregation.  Therefore communicant members of LC-MS congregations are always welcome to commune with us, and other guests wishing to commune are kindly asked to speak with the pastor before the service.  We cherish the opportunity to worship with all followers of Jesus, and we regret the sad divisions within Christianity.   Whether you are communing with us today or not, please join us (and Jesus!) in praying for truth and unity within His Church.


We believe that baptism is a priceless gift of God through which He gives the Holy Spirit and forgiveness of sins.  If you would like more information, please contact one of our pastors so we can talk with you about beginning a lifelong walk with Jesus through baptism.


Marriage was instituted by God as a gift from Him.  Weddings performed at Trinity are preceded by significant preparation including premarital counseling with a pastor and mentoring with a married couple.  Because God intends the foundation for a healthy marriage to be our relationship with him, Trinity only hosts weddings for those who are members of our congregation.  If you are interested in joining us in our walk with Christ as you prepare for your wedding, please contact one of our pastors.

Funerals & Memorials

We believe that Jesus Christ has conquered death, and that all who have faith in Jesus will rise again to live forever.  As we mourn the loss of those we dearly love, we both grieve our loss and celebrate Jesus’ victory over death.  In anticipation of the heavenly banquet we will enjoy when Christ returns and death is defeated, funerals at Trinity are most often followed by a meal organized by members of our congregation.

Visit our Funerals and Memorials page.


Bulletin Announcement Requests2023-06-26T13:46:39-05:00

Please complete this form for any Trinity-wide or ministry-specific events or initiatives.

Bulletin announcements must be submitted by Wednesday evening.

Can I rent space?2023-06-26T09:49:14-05:00

Currently, we do not allow the rental of space at Trinity.

If you are interested in renting space at the Historical grounds, please email historical@trinityfreistadt.com.

Can I watch previous services?2023-06-26T10:44:27-05:00

View previous services and sermons on YouTube.

Event Request Form2024-06-13T12:44:14-05:00

To reserve a space and add your event/meeting to the Trinity Google Calendar and/or to request support from our Infrastructure Team (event set-up and take-down) or the Creative & Communications Department (graphics, marketing, communications), please use this form.

Kids in Worship2023-06-26T10:49:26-05:00

Our church enthusiastically welcomes families with young children to fully worship with us. The presence of children is a gift to the church. Like all of us, they are members of the Body of Christ and a reminder of the growth and the future of God’s Church. Please welcome our children and their parents, and give them a big smile of encouragement or a helping hand.

Prayer Request2023-06-26T09:50:31-05:00

We would love to pray for you!

We are passionate about prayer! Ask-Seek-Knock connects our congregation through prayer.


Restrooms are located in the large room adjacent to the sanctuary.  Our ushers will be glad to point you in the proper direction.

Weekly E-Blast2023-06-26T10:23:20-05:00

When you sign up for our mailing list, you’ll receive a weekly notice that The Hub has been updated.

The Hub is a place where you can easily plug in with all the things happening here at Trinity Freistadt!

What to Wear2024-05-23T14:16:36-05:00

At Trinity Lutheran Freistadt, we’re laid back and comfortable. You look great no matter what! We do encourage modesty in your attire as we come together to honor our faith. So, come the way you feel most comfortable, and join us for a wonderful time of worship and fellowship!

Where to Park2023-06-26T10:47:49-05:00

Parking is available in the parking lot south of the church. Look for the doors with the sign that say ‘Church Entrance.’ Through these doors, you’ll access the sanctuary via the Gathering Room (either using the stairs or the elevator). The coat room is located near these doors.

Parking is also available on Granville Road with street-level access directly into the sanctuary.

Worship Days & Times2024-05-23T14:14:43-05:00

Saturday @ 5:00 pm | Traditional

Sunday @ 8:00 am | Traditional

Sunday @ 10:45 am | Contemporary

There are special service times during certain seasons of the church year.

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