Voucher Allotment:

Each child receives two (2) one-week vacation vouchers per calendar year. Each one-week voucher is equivalent to the number of contracted attendance days per week, that must be used consecutively and cannot be broken up. For example, if your child attends 3 days per week, one voucher will cover 3 days of vacation.

Notice Requirement:

A minimum of 14 days’ notice must be provided to the Center via this form when requesting to use a vacation voucher or inform us of an upcoming vacation.
If less than 2 weeks notice is given, your account will be charged based on your current schedule contract.

Voucher Renewal:

Vouchers renew on January 1st and expire on December 31st.
Unused vacation vouchers cannot be credited or carried over to the next year.

Notification Requirement for Attendance, Even Without Vouchers:

If you have already used both vacation vouchers for the year, you are still required to inform the childcare center if your child will not be in attendance. Regular fees will continue to apply for all contracted days, regardless of voucher availability.

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Family Information

Parent Name
List all the names of children enrolled in Childcare that will be going on vacation.
My child(ren)'s Schedule Contract is

Vacation Leave Details

I would like to use a Vacation Voucher.


I have read and understand the Vacation Voucher Policy and the procedures outlined above. I acknowledge that I must notify the Childcare Center of my child's absence even if all vacation vouchers have been used for the year, and I will be charged based on my contracted schedule.

Multiple Choice
The submission date must be at least 14 days in advance.